Choisissez une partie de la carte. Sur la carte cliquable qui suit, les icônes ou signifient qu'il y a plusieurs photos sur la partie de l'autoroute située entre la jonction qui précède et celle qui suit le symbole. Un clic sur ces icônes donne accès à l'une de ces photos. Cliquez ensuite sur les panneaux de signalisation verts pour accéder aux autres photos et vous déplacer sur le réseau à votre guise. Les icônes ou donnent accès à des photos isolées.
Choose a part of the map. On the following clickable map, the icons and mean that there are several pictures on the part of the motorway between the junction which precedes and that which follows the symbol. A clic on those icons gives access to one of these pictures. Click then on the green road signs to reach the others pictures and move on the network. The icons or give access to isolated pictures.
Choose a part of the map. On the following clickable map, the icons and mean that there are several pictures on the part of the motorway between the junction which precedes and that which follows the symbol. A clic on those icons gives access to one of these pictures. Click then on the green road signs to reach the others pictures and move on the network. The icons or give access to isolated pictures.